Hey Parents!
We are so thankful to have your children here in Team Kid. If you just ask yourself “What is Team Kid”, That’s great! Let me tell you all about it. On Wednesday nights we have a great program to help disciple your child. Team Kid is a fun, high-energy ministry that encourages kids to know Jesus Christ and to grow in a relationship with Him. Just as we enjoy watching your children grow physically – we love to see them grow spiritually as well. All parts of Team kid connect to teach life lessons to kids. For our Pre-school Team Kid ages 3yrs to Kindergarten class time begins at 6:30 in the Orange or Red room (depending on your childs age). We have an Early Bird Fun Time with Heavy snacks starting @ 6:00. Team Kid’s Children – grades 1st -6th Begins our Bible lesson at 6:30. Team Kid rotate to other activities including Bible verse and Missions. Your child has the opportunity to earn points at each rotation. Then on the first Wednesday of each month (during the school year only) they can spend their points at the Team Kid Store! Doesn’t this just sound like so much fun! So much Fun that you’ll want to join in yourself. And to that we say….Come on! We are always looking for ways that you can do “Life” with your child. If you are interested or want to know more about Team Kid give me a call/text/email – I can help. Allison@booneschapel.org 334-651-6559
Allison Shoemake
Children’s Ministry Coordinator
Children’s Ministry Coordinator
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