Meet the Team

Bro. Matt Hall, Senior Pastor
Some of the earliest memories that I have take me back to the second grade; everyone was putting a star on the board of what they wanted to be when they grew up. On my star I wrote a preacher. From that moment life began to throw many passions my way from sports to outdoors to eventually firefighting. And all my plans began to push for Fire College and eventually a fire scientist, but in all the planning, I seemed to forget to ask God what He desired and what His plans were. I began to ask God why all my plans were falling through, and the answer I got took me back to the 2nd grade.
I graduated Troy University with an Associate of Science Degree and then went to Leavell College of New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary to receive a Bachelor of Arts in Christian Ministry Degree. For the last 15 years I have been serving Jesus in the local church. In what started small as a volunteer, God has enlarged my territory and brought me to one of the greatest churches, and continues to allow me to be Senior Pastor for some of the greatest people I have ever known.
I have the privilege to be husband to Leslie, a Godly woman who supports our ministry and truly uses her gifts for the Kingdom. I have twin daughters, Callie and Hallie who keep life interesting and continue to help Daddy experience a love that I have never experienced before.

Bro. Tommy Shaver, Worship Pastor
I have had the pleasure of working and ministering in some great churches. Some of them very large, some of them small. But, the people are the same, just different names. I have always wanted to help people capture of vision for ministry. Whether it be singing in a choir, playing an instrument, working on the tech team or learning how to chaperone on a mission trip. Ephesian 4:12 has always been my goal to “equip the saints for the work of the kingdom.” While doing so I want to show them how to enjoy being a servant. I love spending time with volunteers and laughing together and sharing the call.
Little did I know that I would end up at this place called Boones Chapel. I came out to “fill in” and “help out.” As I watched the attendance grow and God add leaders and change lives, I knew this was a place that was special. We are not perfect, but we try to do things with excellence and the truth is always preached. This is My Chapel!
I met my wife, Pam while serving a church in Mobile. I “married up” as most people remind me. Thursdays are my favorite away from church. My 2 daughters and 3 grand children usually show up at my house. It is ALWAYS entertaining. I also love watching sports and have been know to visit the Greens family.

Allison Shoemake, Children’s Ministry Coordinator
I have always had a love for children. I remember in high school all my other friends were taking Algebra ll and I was signing up for Early Childhood Development Classes. I was even part of a club operated by KinderCare Day Care Centers! Being the youngest of five, I learned to function well in large groups. It was nothing to have ten to fifteen kids and teens at our house, if everyone had a friend over. That’s how it was most of the time. Our house was the “Cool-aid” house. I am very thankful to my parents for the example that they set for me. My Chapel has been Just that to me. I came to Boones Chapel in search of a Church closer to me. I fell in love with this little county church! Everyone was so open and friendly. I knew I had found where I belonged. And although “My Chapel” is no longer this little country church it is still very much open and friendly! I feel so very blessed to have served here for twenty years now and can not tell you the gratitude I feel for having been promoted to the Children Coordinator position.

Keston Chatman, Men’s Minister
I walked into Boones Chapel for the first time around 2007 and it has become
home to me. I’ve been through the Youth Group and ALL that entails with trips, camps, lock-ins, DNow and the pranks that were included! I’ve seen our church go through tragedy due to a tornado in 2011, and I couldn’t be prouder of the way we responded. I’ve seen this small country church grow from 100 people on a Sunday morning to 700! I’ve had the privilege of serving this church as a Deacon, Sunday School Director, and now Men’s Minister. One of my favorite verses is 1 Corinthians 6:20, “…for you were bought at a price.” My goal in everything I do is to honor that price paid for me! But added to that, I have a desire to get others to do the same. The Gospel has changed me, and I will share that truth until God calls me home. If you have any questions or interest in Men’s Ministry, contact me at

Brandy Wohlers, Women’s Minister
You can reach Brandy at

Brian Darnell, Young Adult Pastor
You can reach Brian at

Payton Nelson, Middle School Intern

Other Staff
Ministry Assistant/Welcome Desk
Pam Shaver
Terri Goodwin